
STAR graphic_nocopy_pantone2945U

Since being a member of the STARS program, I have been blessed to have knowledge at my fingertips at any time of any day.  I can reach out to team members and get help with anything from weight loss, blood pressure, exercise, family life, etc. and feel connected to the responses.

During my time being a member of the STARS program, I have been supported in my efforts to lose weight and I have never been judged nor talked about behind my back.  My efforts, at times, seem futile but with the Coaches in the STARS program, you always have someone there to pick you up and put you back on track.

I exercise and walk more because of the coaching and friendships I have built.  Anyone and everyone should give the STARS program a chance for at least a year to draw your own conclusions, but I for one will remain with them for the unseen future because I have that total and constant support.” – Debbie Densmore

STAR graphic_nocopy_pantone2945UThe STARS Program is a very important part of my work-life as well as my everyday well-being.  Both Heather and Jon are incredibly caring and there for me regardless of the nature of my issue.  Always there to lend an ear if something is bothering me or willing to jump in and offer assistance/counseling/guidance if they can, or suggest another source if needed. 

With a constant flow of different activities to offer, I often forget they’re all health inspired because I want to participate.  There is something for everyone; walking club, lunchtime exercising classes via zoom, lunch and learn programs both live and via zoom, contests, Paint-Nite, the list goes on.  Meeting with my coach quarterly gives me the chance to discuss my health goals and to set new as needed, but always without judgement. 

That’s the key, I’m never judged for missing a goal, simply encouraged to try again. The incentive program is another bonus beyond the mental and health benefits – I have received many great items as well as a reduction in my health insurance cost.” – Betty Karda

STAR graphic_nocopy_pantone2945U“TRC Health coaching has been instrumental to my success for weight loss and peace of mind. The first time I met with Jon, my health coach, he was so upbeat and excited. He couldn’t wait to help me get started on my new healthier lifestyle. That day, I was ready- ready to quit trying and give up. Jon helped make things easier for me by talking through how to accomplish each goal I set for myself. Every day the health coaches would ask how I was doing. Asking if I had gone to the gym, or what I might be struggling with. They were always ready with encouragement and compliments to keep me on track. Every day on my breaks, I walk with the health coaches to help keep me moving during the day. They always ask how the day is going. Not only does it help me get my steps in, but it helps with mental health being able to talk and step away from the stress of the job.

Without this program I would not be where I am today. I was chosen by co-workers for the quarterly wellness champion; I am a member of the wellness committee; I started weight watchers through work to help keep my weight on track and have lost over 100lbs in the last year. I get compliments from people at work, I do not even know, saying I look great and want to know how I did it. I look forward to going to the gym everyday for that boost of energy. I am excited to go to work to see the health coaches and get knowledge from them on a day to day basis. My whole outlook on life has changed and I could not be happier than I am today. If it had not been for the health coaching, I know that I would not be working at TRC. Jon helped me to see that I worry too much and that I need to relax and let things that really did not matter go. I know now that I cannot control everything, even though I really want to, sometimes other people just have to fall on their own. The health coaches are always available when needed to support the employees. I cannot thank them enough for what they have done for me while at TRC.”- Tammy Moreen

STAR graphic_nocopy_pantone2945U“I have been involved with the STARS Program for years  and feel that the Lunch & Learns are very helpful and fun.  I also feel that the staff are very  helpful and well educated in this area of being healthy.  I would recommend this program to anyone!” – Kathy PVH

STAR graphic_nocopy_pantone2945U“Growing up as a child I was overweight, this continued on into my adult life as well. I tried many diets just to have them fail and I would gain more weight back then what I lost. In 2006 I looked into having bariatric surgery. Now many people see this as a quick fix, but this isn’t the case. Having bariatric surgery is like being given a tool to assist you in losing weight. You must pair this with healthy eating and healthy living. I went through and had this surgery in May of 2007. This was a start to my new life. I did great with the first 2 years and lost a total of 120 lbs. But I did what I think that many people do. I lost the weight and went back to bad eating habits and no exercise, and I gained weight back.

When TRC came out with the STARS program I really took it seriously and looked at wanting to lose the weight that I put back on.

When I had my surgery 1 weighed 2941bs. I lost 120 lbs. bringing me to about 1751bs. I was comfortable with this weight, but I gained weight back,due to lack of healthy eating and no exercise routine. When I decided to starting getting back to a healthy weight I weighed 235 lbs. over the course of the past few months I had met with my PCP who was worried about my weight gain and gave me a medication to curve my appetite and I started eating healthy and exercising again. With the assistance of having a health coach to talk to and continue with encouragement I have lost 36 lbs. this was my goal to be back under 200 lbs. Today I weigh 1991bs and I continue to eat healthy and exercise. I am joining in some of the exercise classes that are being offered through the STARS program that I really am looking forward to doing, and I have decided to set a new goal to try to get down to 1751bs this being what I weighed after having my bariatric surgery.” – Rhonda Scott

STAR graphic_nocopy_pantone2945U“Hi my name is Solimar Vazquez, since I can remember I have always been called “chunky”, “curvy”, or “gordita”. It really never bothered me since I was an athletic child and never consider myself as overweight.

After graduating high school, I stop being as athletic and started working at a fast food restaurant. With easy access to fast food I started gaining weight; still, I didn’t think I was overweight. It was after my first pregnancy that I realize my weight wasn’t healthy at 221 lbs. I “tried” many diets, enrolled myself on gym memberships, that I never used, and came up with excuses on why I couldn’t lose weight.

After having my second child I was 230 lbs., and again I “tried” but couldn’t lose any weight. At this point I was still very confident of my skills and accomplishments in life, but my self esteem was very low. I wouldn’t take pictures during family events, not even with my children. Eventually I started working for the Primary Care Clinic & CAPS office, so with access to a scale I weighted myself; I was 239lbs.

During my health insurance enrollment I was introduced to the STARS Program and all its benefits, but it wasn’t until March, 2015 that my co-worker Amber and I decided to set up a goal to lose weight. My plan to lose 10lbs. in 10 weeks was to:
•    stop eating after 7:00pm,
•    work out every day for an hour, and
•    reduce my calories to 1500 a day.

With the support of my husband and co-workers, who will remind me every time about my goal, I was able to lose about 15lbs.  By the end of May it became harder to lose weight, even though I was still with my “plan”.

In early June the STARS program offered a Lunch and Learn in how to make healthy choices. Paula Pickett explained how much water to drink a day and the signs your body shows when you are dehydrated, how much sodium to have a day, how many calories to consume to lose weight steadily, and how protein helps your body feel full for longer periods of time.

To my surprise, I wasn’t drinking enough water, I was consuming too much salt,  I wasn’t eating enough calories, and my diet didn’t include any protein ! So, I started a new plan.
•    No eating after 7pm.
•    Work out 5 days a week for an hour, not just cardio but weights to strength my body.
•    Reduce my sodium intake by replacing salt and seasonings with Mrs. Dash products.
•    Increase my protein intake as much as possible.

These changes have now become a live style. As of today I’m 207lbs. for a total loss of 32lbs in 6months! I feel great and full of energy; I can’t stop taking pictures with my family; and my self esteem is “back on top”!

So, if you have been struggling with anything try to contact your STARS coach, they have the information and tools you need to start a healthy life style. One change can make the difference on how you feel about yourself. Good luck!” –  Solimar Vazquez

STAR graphic_nocopy_pantone2945U“TRC doctors are more involved with my health than my previous doctor was. I am more confident about working with my health and TRC doctors.”

– Anonymous